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Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I can liken an audit to cleaning a house for company. The metaphor here is not too difficult  to imagine. The kicker in this case is that it is not your house.

Today was the first day of our two day audit on the ZEHRP laboratories. The staff showed up in spades! They did a phenomenal job handling the 'on-the-spot' questions of the auditor. The auditor was surprisingly social and had a sense of humor (about one hundred percent opposite of what I had expected). Kahler and I spent some time watching her look through some of the personnel files so we could get a better understanding of what an audit looks like and what the checklists that the auditors tote looks like. Fortunately she found it just as boring as we did and we got to talk to her about things other than the lab for bit as well.

So even though I don't walk out to my car, crank some tunes, and drive home (or to McD's), I have found the equivalent for me here. I walk down to the little Emmasdale Market or the Esprite store and get a coke. It has become a sort of habit now. I look at all the people walking from where ever they work and I get to reflect on the day or forget the day completely and let my mind wander. Today I saw a couple a kids playing on a skateboard, I thought for a second 'man, if I didn't have dress clothes on I could totally show them how it is done'. There has been a truck full of laborers that has driven by the last couple days that all yell at me and I raise a thumbs up and they all erupt in laughter and do the same. I don't fit in and really that ok with me. I get a kick out if and I don't suspect that will change anytime soon.

It looks like I am going to be moving to a new flat. It is in the same compound just two doors down. I am pretty stoked about having a closet though. I will also get my own bathroom! Don't know if you guys knew this but, girls have about a thousand bottles and cream and goo and stuff. I do not understand it... and maybe i am not meant to. I am probably glad that they have all those things however, I am not a fan of fighting for floor space in the shower with a gang of rowdy young oddly shaped bottles.

Bucket List Item 01: Watch a drunk monkey dance. Apparently there are monkeys at Vic Falls that steal the beverages of those that have likely already had plenty, become intoxicated, and begin to stumble around in a sort of dancing. Can't wait to take that video.

Oh ya, here is a picture of the little fish. Katy has a shot that is much better.
They were terrible, Heather! Specifically, they were very salty with a prickly texture which mounts considerable opposition to the act of swallowing... but, I tried them, win

Get through the audit tomorrow and move to the new flat. My next post will be from there. All is well


  1. Haha, I'm sorry the fishies weren't too tasty. But, I'm proud of you for trying them anyways :)

    Um, if you make it to Victoria Falls...we are going to NEED some video of the drunk dancing monkeys - sounds EPIC!

    CanNOT wait to hear about/see the new flat! And, I'm thrilled that you finally get a closet and your very own bathroom. Livin' the high liiife ;)

    Hope day two of the audit goes just as smoothly as day one did.

  2. I am VERY glad you are getting to move to a new your lonely bar of soap can have a shower all to itself! And a closet!!! Sooo exciting. Any idea who you'll be living with? Hopefully some pretty neat people. If you keep it up with the cokes, I'm for sure sending some anticavity flouride rinse ;) hope to talk to you soon

  3. If you recall my antics when Chris cracked his head open at Blanco State Park, you will have a good idea of the 'drunk monkey dance'!
    Rule No. 1 with fish: head, fins and scales must be removed (preferred option is to remove all bones as well)
    Rule No. 2 Unless rule #1 is observed, you are eating bait


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